statment erasmus policy


This document describes the Erasmus policy statement of the University of Peloponnese. The statement outlines the institution's approach to internationalisation through three key activities:

1. Strengthening educational mobility for students and staff.
2. Developing cooperation planning with businesses and other educational institutions.
3. Support educational policies through international cooperation.

It explains the institution's strategy for partner selection, geographical distribution and objectives. Key points include:

- Promoting partnerships that foster innovative education and connect academia with the labour market.
- Supporting cooperation with neighbouring and third countries.
- The aim is to develop new joint courses, degrees and cooperation networks.
- Ensuring transparency, coherence and meritocracy in its activities.
- Support participants throughout the mobility process.
- Respecting non-discrimination policies and supporting socially vulnerable groups.
- Implementation of ECTS for the recognition of credits and the provision of diploma supplements.
- Not charging fees to incoming mobile students for credit mobility.

The statement aligns the institution's internationalisation strategy with the five priorities of the modernisation agenda:

1. Raising success rates to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs.
2. Improving the quality and relevance of higher education.
3. Enhancing quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation.
4. Linking higher education, research and business for excellence and regional development.
5. Improving governance and funding.

The document underlines the institution's commitment to foster innovation, knowledge, professional development and educational excellence through these international partnerships and mobility programmes. It also highlights the role of the institution in contributing to regional development and building bridges with the local community, organisations and businesses.

Erasmus+ Policy Statement of the University of Peloponnese

Updated: Σεπτεμβρίου