erasmus university charter

This document is the Erasmus University Charter 2021-2027, which describes the obligations and commitments of higher education institutions participating in the Erasmus+ programme, in particular the University of Peloponnese.

The institution is committed to:

- Fully respect the principles of equal treatment, transparency and inclusion set out in the Erasmus+ Programme.

- Ensure fair and equal access and opportunities for current and potential participants from all social backgrounds, with particular attention to the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities.

- Ensure full automatic recognition of all credits (based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System - ECTS) earned for learning outcomes satisfactorily achieved during a period of study/training abroad as well as during co-mobility.

- not to charge incoming students participating in a mobility programme any attendance fees, as well as registration fees, fees for taking examinations or for access to laboratories and libraries, in the case of mobility under the credit transfer system. 

- Ensure the quality of mobility activities and cooperation programmes throughout their implementation and operation.

- Implement the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme:

- taking the necessary measures to implement the management of digital mobility in accordance with the technical standards of the European Student Card Initiative,

- promoting environmentally friendly practices in all activities related to the Programme, - encouraging the participation of people with fewer opportunities in the Programme.

- promoting civic participation and encouraging students and staff to become active citizens before, during and after their participation in mobility activities or cooperation programmes.  


Before mobility

- Ensure that the selection procedures for mobility activities are fair, transparent, coherent and documented.

- Publish and regularly update the course catalogue on the website well in advance of the start of the mobility periods so that there is transparency for all parties and so that students participating in mobility can make informed choices about the training programmes they will attend.

- Publish and regularly update information on the grading system used and the grading tables for all study programmes. ensure that students receive clear and transparent information on the procedures for the recognition and assignment of grades. 

- organise mobility for study and teaching purposes only in the framework of prior agreements between the institutions; these agreements define the respective roles and responsibilities of the parties, as well as their commitment to common quality criteria in the selection, preparation, reception, support and inclusion of mobility participants.

- to ensure that participants in outgoing mobility are well prepared for their activities abroad, including mixed mobility, by undertaking activities to achieve the necessary level of language proficiency and to develop their intercultural competences.

- ensure that student and staff mobility is based on a learning agreement for students and a mobility agreement for staff, which are validated in advance by the sending and host institutions or enterprises and the participants in the mobility.

- Provide active support to incoming mobility participants throughout the accommodation process. - provide assistance for the issuance of visas, when required, for incoming and outgoing students participating in a mobility programme. 

- Provide assistance in obtaining insurance, when required, for incoming and outgoing students participating in a mobility programme.

- Ensure that students are aware of their rights and obligations as set out in the Erasmus Student Charter.


During mobility

- Ensure equal academic treatment and quality of service for incoming students.

- Promote measures to ensure the safety of outgoing and incoming students participating in a mobility programme.

- To integrate incoming students participating in mobility into the wider student community and into the daily life of the institution. Encourage them to act as ambassadors of the Erasmus+ programme and to share their experiences of mobility. 

- Provide appropriate guidance and support arrangements for participants in a mobility scheme, including those seeking mixed mobility.

- provide appropriate language support for incoming students participating in a mobility programme. 

After mobility

- Provide incoming students participating in a mobility programme and their sending institutions with certificates of analytical grades with a complete, accurate and timely record of learning outcomes at the end of the mobility period. 

- Ensure that all ECTS credits earned for learning outcomes satisfactorily achieved during the period of study/training abroad, as well as during co-mobility, are fully and automatically recognised as agreed in the learning agreement and confirmed by the transcript of records/training certificate; transfer these credits without delay to the transcript of records; 

- Ensure that the student's final transcript of achievements includes satisfactorily completed mobility activities for study and/or placement periods (the Diploma Supplement or equivalent).

- Encourage and support mobility participants, upon their return, to act as ambassadors of the Erasmus+ programme, to promote the benefits of mobility and to actively participate in the creation of alumni communities.

- Ensure recognition of the teaching and training activities undertaken by staff during the mobility period, based on the mobility agreement and in accordance with the institution's strategy



- Ensure that cooperation activities contribute to the fulfilment of the institution's strategy.

- Promote the opportunities offered by cooperation programmes and provide, throughout the application and implementation phase, relevant support to staff and students interested in participating in these activities.

- ensure that cooperation activities lead to sustainable results and that their impact benefits all partners.

- Encourage mutual learning activities and exploit the results of the projects in a way that maximises their impact on individuals, other participating institutions and the wider academic community. 



- To ensure that the long-term strategy of the institution and its relevance to the objectives and priorities of the Erasmus+ programme are described in the Erasmus policy statement.

- Ensure that the principles of the Charter are adequately communicated and implemented by staff at all levels of the institution.

- Use the ECHE guidelines (Erasmus University Charter) and the ECHE self-evaluation to ensure that the principles of the Charter are fully implemented.

- Regularly promote activities supported by the Erasmus+ programme, together with their results.

- Present the Charter and the relevant Erasmus Policy Statement prominently on the Foundation's website and in all other relevant channels. 

The institution acknowledges that the implementation of the Charter will be monitored by the Erasmus+ National Agency and that a breach of the above principles and commitments may lead to its withdrawal by the European Commission.

Erasmus+ UoP University Charter


Updated: Σεπτεμβρίου